There's been so much frustration surrounding the elusive COVID vaccine appointments that we've compiled a list to make it easier to find the COVID-19 vaccine and schedule your appointment.
Helpful tips about the vaccine and distribution:
Links to book your vaccine appointment:
Costco Pharmacy - you don't need to be a member to use the pharmacy and you can book a bit ahead into when your age group becomes eligible
Salem Vaccination Center - this is where I found mine!
Vaccine Finder - links to vaccine locations in the area
In Oregon, you can access general vaccine information by calling 211 or 1-866-698-6155. Their hours are Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm. When calling, you have to go through a bunch of messages that don't apply until you get your choice of staying on hold (don't!) or leaving your phone number for a call back (do!). They really do call you back and you can talk to a real person! They also answer emails with a call back.
Email: help@211info.org
Text: text your zip code to 898211
You can also call Washington County Health & Human Services. Leave a voicemail and they'll call back within 3 days.
Good luck & good health!